Everyone defines financial freedom a bit differently.
No matter what your definition is, our goal is to help you get on a path to reach your own personal financial freedom. We provide advice and services to address a myriad of concerns.
Which life phase are you currently in?

- What do I need to know when filing my taxes?
- How can I maximize my employer benefits?
- How do I determine what credit card is right for me?
- Should I rent or buy a home?
- How can I invest enough for the future while still having fun now?
- What is the best student loan repayment plan for me?
- Should I lease or buy a car?
- How do I choose the right auto/home/renters insurance?
- How is my credit score determined and what steps can I take to improve it?
- How can I negotiate my salary and benefits so that I am maximizing my income?

- Should I participate in my employer stock purchase plan?
- Will my family be okay if I’m not here?
- How much should I save for my kid’s college education?
- Should I invest in a business or real estate?
- Am I investing enough to retire when I want to?
- Do I need a will or other estate planning documents?
- Am I paying too much in taxes?
- How much house can I afford to buy and what mortgage is best for me?
- Is my 401(k) invested properly?
- How can I organize my financial life more effectively?

- Am I paying too much in taxes?
- Am I investing my money in the right strategies and accounts for my goals?
- Can we afford to rennovate or purchase a bigger home?
- Can I afford to purchase a second home or investment property?
- Am I on track to retire when I want and have the income I want?
- Should we update our will and other estate planning documents?
- Should I count on Social Security when I am retired?
- How am I going to pay for my kids college?
- Will my family be okay if I’m not here?
- How can we protect my parent’s money from nursing homes?